Wednesday, January 21, 2009

01/18/09 - Dollar Tree - Sunday newspaper - Saved $4.95

This is a delayed posting but a tip for the upcoming weekend. I buy my Sunday newspapers at Dollar Tree because they are only $1.00 there. The Chicago Tribune is usually $1.99 each for the Sunday edition. As you can see, I got a bundle of 5, which came out to $5.00 total. So, I saved $4.95 total from buying it there. Some of the Dollar Trees start carrying the newspapers on Saturday evening, so you could check with your local one to see if they have them available then to get a head start on the Sunday sales.

If I save $5.00 from using the coupons in there, then I have made my money back. Any more and it is a "profit" to me. The extra coupons I don't use I like to share with others. So, if there is a particular coupon you are looking for, just let me know.

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